Liechtenstein follows the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood) when it comes to citizenship. This means that citizenship is primarily acquired through descent from a Liechtenstein citizen rather than by birth within the territory of Liechtenstein.
In general, the following criteria apply for acquiring Liechtenstein citizenship by birth:
To obtain Liechtenstein citizenship, you will need to go through a documentation and application process. Here are the general steps involved:
Liechtenstein generally allows dual citizenship, meaning you can hold Liechtenstein citizenship alongside the citizenship of another country. In some cases, if you acquire Liechtenstein citizenship while already holding citizenship of another country, you may be required to fulfill certain obligations, such as reporting your dual citizenship to the authorities of both countries or meeting any residency or language requirements.
No, being born in Liechtenstein does not automatically grant you Liechtenstein citizenship unless at least one of your parents is a Liechtenstein citizen at the time of your birth.
In general, if neither of your parents is a Liechtenstein citizen, you will not acquire Liechtenstein citizenship by birth.
If you were legally adopted by Liechtenstein citizens, you may be eligible to acquire Liechtenstein citizenship through adoption.
The primary requirement is having at least one parent who is a Liechtenstein citizen at the time of your birth. It’s essential to review any additional conditions or procedures set by the Liechtenstein immigration authorities.
Liechtenstein generally allows dual citizenship, so it is possible to hold Liechtenstein citizenship alongside the citizenship of another country.